Saturday, November 04, 2006

Those Are Some Crazy Ads

All of these ads are from one site. Hover over the ads for the real meaning behind each ad.

Don't get left behind! Invest in Armageddon today!

If you can read this, YOU'RE TOO CLOSE!

If Republicans lose these elections, you're not nearly paranoid enough.

We can't find anything to criticize about Democrats, so we'll focus on some loony chick who isn't even a politician.

Anti-Che shirts are so a-decade-and-a-half-ago!

Buy a shirt, get a free GUN!!!

Not an actual best seller, but at eleven copies sold, it's Pat's best effort yet!

Help persecuted Christians.  Fuck anyone else.

We need money to indoctrinate more third-world kids into fundamentalist Christianity before the Muslims get ahold of them!

It sure is funny how gas prices always drop when Republicans are having trouble getting elected!

Democrats are a bunch of fags.

The dollar is tanking under Bush, so you better invest in gold until someone can pull the American economy out of the toilet.


Extra! Extra!  Guy gets rich off CIA leaks!

I'm going to have a contest. Submit the web address of the site with the most space wasted on ads for right-wing horseshit, and I'll send the winner a stolen copy of the Gideon Bible.


Blogger madtom said...

Well you can't count the anti-Che shirt. I support that one, and know who designed it.

November 04, 2006 10:30 PM  

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