Ted Haggard Smokes Crank
He smokes crystal meth too...

The Rev Ted Haggard is regarded as one of the country's most influential and politically well-connected religious figures. A vocal opponent of gay marriage, he resigned from his post as the president of the National Association of Evangelicals this week.
Mr Haggard has denied he had sex with Mike Jones, an escort from Denver, Colorado, who claims the pair engaged in drug-fuelled trysts for three years.
But Mr Haggard, who is married with five children, last night admitted having a massage from Mr Jones after being referred to him by a hotel, and buying methamphetamine from him.
He said had purchased the drug, known as meth, out of curiosity but had thrown it away without ever trying it.
"I bought it for myself but never used it," he told reporters outside his house. "I was tempted, but I never used it."
Mr Haggard previously said: "I've never had a gay relationship. I'm faithful to my wife."
The scandal, just days before the mid-term elections, is a blow for the Republican Party, which needs its Christian base to come out and vote.
Mr Haggard has also temporarily relinquished leadership of his 14,000-member New Life Church in Colorado.
The allegations surfaced as voters in Colorado and seven other states prepare to decide this Tuesday on amendments banning gay marriage.
Besides the proposed ban on the Colorado ballot, a separate measure would establish the legality of domestic partnerships, providing same-sex couples with many of the rights of married heterosexuals.
The scandal broke after Mr Jones, 49, told a Denver radio show that the pastor had paid him for sex nearly every month over three years.
Mr Jones said he was inspired to speak out by a political fight over the constitutional amendments. He said he was upset when he discovered Mr Haggard and his church had publicly opposed same-sex marriage. "It made me angry that here's someone preaching about gay marriage and having gay sex."
Mr Jones said he advertised himself as an escort on the internet and was contacted by a man who called himself Art, and who used methamphetamine before sexual encounters to heighten his experience.
With his chiselled features and wide smile, Mr Haggard has been a poster boy for the evangelical movement and social conservative causes. Harper's magazine reported that he regularly advised the White House.
When reached for comment on their association, President Bush responded, "Ted who???"
Editor: Personally, I don't give a rats ass what the guy does on his personal time. I just think it's hilarious when these self-righteous and hypocritical bastards get caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar.
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